Did you miss yesterday's webinar where I shared an overview of the Conversations That Matter project? The replay and paper will be available soon, but meanwhile, here is a really nice recap from Lee Barney at PLANADVISER Magazine. Thank you, Lee, for joining us and for this excellent summary.
In this Swift Chat video conversation, Josh Cutler of Bluestem Financial Advisors, LLC tells us why he is proud to be a member of the Alliance of Comprehensive Planners (ACP) and how he and the ACP annual conference task force planned for and shifted to a virtual event once the pandemic became a reality in 2020.
Do you feel called to a greater purpose? Is there something you, like me, feel you were born to do, something that would make a positive impact on those around you?
So many of us wrestle with this feeling, yet we never get the clarity we need to move forward. Or we try to fill that void with financial success, only to discover that money doesn’t bring us fulfillment. Either way, we’re stuck wanting more for our lives. Mark Clure, CFP®, knows that feeling. It’s what set him on a journey that ultimately led him to create The GUIDE Process for identifying and then financing your ideal lifestyle. I asked Mark to visit with me via a video conference service and have included both the transcript and the video recording of our Swift Chat below. Every single one of us has had to adjust as the realities of the global pandemic became apparent this spring. But while these have been challenging times for us individually and as a nation, not every advisor is struggling. In fact, some advisors are thriving. You’ll meet three such advisors during this important webinar:
These accomplished fiduciary advisors will join me for the September webcast in the NAPFA Playbook 2020 series to share what’s working – and what’s not – when it comes to client communications and building your business as a fthrough thick and thin.
In this Swift Chat video conversation, Marie Swift of Impact Communications speaks with John Bowen of CEG Worldwide. The topic: How advisors who have positioned themselves as pandemic experts are getting an unfair, competitive advantage + how the opportunity to capture additional assets now has never been greater.
In this Swift Chat video conversation, I speak with Francesca McLin of Snappy Kraken. The topic: How communications have changed for financial advisors and their clients due to the coronavirus lock-downs - with special bonus material on the new Half-Time Report that Snappy Kraken will unveil via a webinar on July 28th at 3pm ET. There are lots of golden nuggets in this 15 minute video chat with Francesca!
Professional journalists and a small group of interested others (special invitations extended by the panelists) were invited to join a group of investor advocates and fiduciary leaders for a virtual discussion on May 5, 2020 at 3:00 pm ET.
Organized by the Institute for the Fiduciary Standard and “Friends of Jack” and hosted by Impact Communications, this virtual conversation brought leading fiduciary voices and investor advocates together to discuss the legacy of John C. "Jack" Bogle. How the ACP System™ Reduces Anxiety – for Advisors and Their Clients – During Market Downturns5/4/2020
In this Swift Chat video conversation, I speak with financial advisors Hannah Basil Bryant, CFP®, and Chip Simon, CFP®, who explain how the ACP System™ helps advisors maintain their client base (and their revenue) and why their clients feel safe and secure through market downturns, even during the current worldwide health and financial crisis.
Every investment advisor is facing it: How to stay in contact with their clients and help them to avoid panic and sell off at a market low – especially during this extraordinary time.
With anxiety levels high, advisors have been called on to communicate with their clients to provide them with factual information and calm fears. But how much communication is too much or too technical; or causes more, not less anxiety?
Here’s your answer: Conduct a virtual focus group.
Better yet, let a professional conduct a virtual focus group for you. Kelly Adams of Harbor Light Planning On: Using the ACP Model to Grow Your Advisory Practice4/10/2019
I recently had the pleasure of speaking with Kelly Adams, fee-only financial advisor and founder of Harbor Light Planning. Kelly is a NAPFA-Registered Advisor (National Association of Personal Financial Advisors) as well as a member of the Alliance of Comprehensive Planners (ACP), and during our discussion shared with our listeners how she has used the ACP model and methodology to grow her advisory practice.
Click here to listen to the audio recording. A transcript of the interview is posted below. |