Over the years, Impact Communications has created group programs for companies within the financial services industry – some examples are shown below. Let’s have a conversation to explore new ways that YOU could add value and support your registered representatives and/or association (or network) members.

"I just wanted to take a moment to say how much I've enjoyed the NAPFA Playbook series hosted by Marie Swift and supported by Jonny Swift of Impact Communications. The current series on the power of niching has been enlightening. I've loved the conversations and learned a ton from other RIAs who've built their focused practices! The previous program on improving the client experience and attracting ideal clients was precisely what I needed then! The tips and tricks were well worth the time investment. Better yet, the sense of community was palpable despite being virtual. My take is that the organization is full of thoughtful, fiduciary experts who sometimes struggle to get the word out. The world needs to know about these great advisors! Kudos to NAPFA and Impact Communications for addressing this marketing opportunity head-on! Frankly, the Playbook series have been the highlight of my NAPFA membership to date. I can't wait for the next ones!"
- Kevin Estes, Founder and Financial Advisor, Scaled Finance, LLC
- Kevin Estes, Founder and Financial Advisor, Scaled Finance, LLC

"Thanks for inviting me to attend the Equita network's Inspiring Insights webinar on using ChatGPT and other AI tools to create client-centered content. I am in the 7% of respondents in the webinar poll who said I was not using AI because of skepticism. I realized we have the foodie-coffee-wine-content snobbery in common with you, Marie, and that this was at the root of my resistance. Helping me see that was a big gift—thank you for the webinar invitation, for gifting me a ticket, and for its value. You cracked open a door of possibility: that I can continue to look and sound like myself while making content creation more efficient. Thank you!"
- Miriam Whiteley, CFP®, RLP®, CeFT®. LifeCraft Financial Planning, LLC
- Miriam Whiteley, CFP®, RLP®, CeFT®. LifeCraft Financial Planning, LLC

This message may seem weird, out of the ordinary and out of the blue. I am sending it anyway since the impulse to appreciate Marie Swift returns to my mind regularly. Her presence in our profession is highly known and highly regarded. While I know Marie from afar, I have never had the pleasure of connecting directly with her. My loss. Last fall through the end of the year, I watched several of the recorded NAPFA masterclass series Marie facilitated for the community. Each session her presence was powerful, generous, skillful, attentive, and full of mastery – the very invitation she was giving to the audience. I appreciated her in the series immensely. After watching the programs, I wanted to reach out to say thank you. Thank you for years of generative attention and resources for our profession and my colleagues who engage this work. Thank you for being a valuable leader and genuine steward. For all the times the opportunity to express gratitude is missed, I am taking a baby step forward to close the gap.
~ Gayle Knight Colman, CFP®, Partner, Colman | Knight
~ Gayle Knight Colman, CFP®, Partner, Colman | Knight
A 1-day or 2-day experience, delivered in person, where advisors who are attending a large annual conference can wander in for free social media and digital marketing advice, interact with PR and marketing experts, experiment with video and podcast equipment, watch short panel discussions and mini-keynotes, etc. Part of the expectation is always that Impact’s team of experts will create a steady stream of social media buzz and digital content for the event. Can be adapted for virtual delivery.
Examples: Check out the 2022 IWI ACE Academy Digital Hive. Visit the multi-year Social/Digital Hub at SocialDigitalHub.com. |
A 1-day or 2-day experience, delivered in person, where advisors who are invited/sponsored by an organization can hone their presentation and camera skills with the help of Impact’s PR and marketing communications experts, videographers and guest speakers – including journalists with broadcast experience. Part of the expectation is that each participant will receive a video interview with one of the journalists or hosts. Can be adapted for virtual delivery.
Examples: 62 participants at Rockhurst University in Kansas City. 36 attendees at the University of Chicago's Gleacher Center. AdvisorThoughtLeaderSummit.com |
This group PR program helps advisors amplify their voices and position themselves as a financial authority through ongoing editorial attention from credible media outlets.
Media training, news release and related content creation, advice on leveraging the digital assets, plus guaranteed media coverage come as part of this exciting flat-fee program. Advisors may also purchase a localized media list for future pitching needs and interests. Our group programs are customizable for any like-minded group of advisors. Check out FiduciaryVoices.com now. |
Impact Communications works with numerous financial experts, book authors and practice management consultants in the financial services industry.
We are constantly producing news releases, hosting press conferences (in-person and virtual), and working to secure media attention for our clients. Journalists are continually seeking good story ideas and sources for their publications, talk shows and broadcasts. In service to our awesome clients and the hard-working journalists who cover the wealthtech, the financial services industry, and personal finance, the team at Impact Communications created a new resource: MediaSourcePortal.com |
A 3-month course, delivered virtually, that prepared advisors to succeed in the fast paced world of media relations. Graduates could then access a full range of PR and marketing related services on an a'la carte basis.
A 3-part workshop, delivered virtually, that laid out a comprehensive array of professional marketing principles and practical ideas for the advisor participants to implement on their own.
A 3-hour workshop, delivered in person, that helped advisor participants see how to better position their companies and build their brands. Can easily be adapted to a virtual event.
A 4-hour experience, delivered in person, where advisors came prepared to establish a blog, set up Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn accounts, record a video and promote it on social media, etc.