Research magazine – December 2007
Making It to Retirement
Marie Swift interviews award-winning journalist Gail MarksJarvis who spent a decade as a personnel finance columnist hearing from thousands of distressed readers about their investing errors. In her recent book, Ms. MarksJarvis helps middle class investors avoid making some of these common mistakes.
Inside Information – December 2007
Get With The Program
Bob Veres gives Marie Swift's article in Financial Planning magazine a "High Relevancy" rating in his article reviews, provided as a service to subscribers of his Inside Information newsletter. In "Get With the Program," Marie Swift recaps one of her speeches at FPA Seattle 2007 and provides some tips on how to start, or enhance, your marketing program quickly and efficiently.
Morningstar Advisor – December 2007
Technology 2007: The Year in Review
Technology Editor Joel Bruckenstein gives Marie Swift and Impact Communications a nod in his article recapping the best of 2007. You can also read Joel's other comments and recommendations in his look at the year in review.
Morningstar Advisor – November 2007
Use Web 2.0 to Build Trust with Clients
Learn how to use the World Wide Web as a tool to build visibility and trust with clients in this eye-opening article by Marie Swift.
Research magazine – November 2007
A New Consultative Model
“A New Consultative Model” is uncovered as Marie Swift explores a methodology pioneered by Edward A. Jacobson, Ph.D. Appreciative Financial Planning shifts clients’ and planners’ attention away from limitations, problems and “fixes,” toward a focus on the clients’ proven capacities.
Research magazine – October 2007
Anatomy of a Niche
David E. Zumbusch, CFP®, discusses with Marie Swift how he found his niche by uncovering shared interests and beliefs with his clients. The result has been the development of the business of his dreams, Sportsmen Dream Financial, a specialized extension of Zumbusch’s thriving practice in Buffalo, Minnesota.
Research magazine – September 2007
Retirement Well Being
What brings health, prosperity and happiness into retirement? Marie Swift looks into the retirement well-being model created by John Nelson, co-author with Richard Bolles of What Color Is Your Parachute? For Retirement.
Research magazine – August 2007
A Winning Team
There are many ways to define a team. Marie Swift explores the benefits to clients and professionals alike in having core teams with satellite support from CPAs and attorneys. Devery “Rusty” Cagle, founder and president ASE Wealth Advisors in Greenville, S.C. adds his views on how to build a healthy team and keep it operating.
Asset Magazine – July 2007
Marketing U.S. Style
Marie Swift was featured in this Australian publication for financial advisors. In “Marketing US Style” she shared tips for advisors. Three of her clients who were also quoted were advisors Don Patrick, Bill Spalding and Dan Danford.
Financial Planning magazine – July 2007
Beyond Mars and Venus
Marie Swift explores the changing demographics in the market served by financial advisors. According to Swift, “Sixty percent of high-net-worth women have earned their own fortunes; 75% of women executives in the Fortune 500 out earn their husbands.” So advisors who aren’t mindful of how they are marketing to a huge, and growing, target market are missing the boat. The article is chock full of important tips and statistics.
Planning a meeting? Invite Marie Swift to present “Beyond Mars and Venus: What You Must Know about Marketing to Women” to your group!
Research magazine – July 2007
Is the Pension Plan Dead?
“Is the Pension Plan Dead?” As large defined-benefit plans die out, advisors are finding a viable niche selling small plans. Marie Swift explores some of these plans, and their advantages with Alex Donnell, president of Colorado Comprehensive Wealth Management in Colorado Springs, Colo.
Research magazine – June 2007
Income in Respect of a Decedent
Poor advance planning and an unexpected death can cause big tax trouble for heirs. Marie Swift shines a light on the IRD tax, Income in Respect of a Decedent, with help from an expert on the subject, James W. Coleman Sr., president of Coleman Financial Advisory Group in Waterbury, Conn.
Financial Planning magazine – June 2007
Great Communicators
Marie Swift shares her thoughts on marketing communications. She says, “Marketing is everything you do to attract and retain business. . . . But, above all, successful marketing depends on good communication.”
Inside Information – June 2007
Bob Veres gives Marie Swift's article called “Great Communicators” a high relevance rating. Here is his review:
"The point here is that great communication is great marketing; that communication skills are a key differentiator in all aspects of growing and managing your business. Swift says that the most powerful shift you can make is to focus on other people rather than on yourself, learning to be a good listener and making a consistent connection".
To achieve greater clarity of thought and ease of expression, some advisors are writing every day. Doing the research and preparing the information makes it easier to communicate the subject verbally--and you'll have something to hand the client after you're finished talking".
Swift cites the example of an advisor who makes it a practice to engage in conversation anybody he runs into: grocery clerks, waiters, tellers, janitors, receptionists, fellow dog walkers in the park. It builds confidence, listening skills, quick thinking, humor and empathy--and it can brighten someone's day in the process". – June 2006
Looking Good in Print – Part One
So you have a great logo and stunning business cards. Your brand is developed so now you can relax and not worry about that again until you run out of cards or need to update the information on your letterhead, right? Wrong! In part one of “Looking Good in Print”: Managing Your Brand, Marie Swift says that marketing savvy advisors oversee their visual brand on a daily basis. Find out how and why.
Morningstar Advisor – May 2007
Looking Good in Print – Part Three
Two award-winning marketers give tips on when to abandon the do-it-yourself approach and put your design project into the hands of a professional in part three of “Looking Good in Print”: Questions to Answer Before Hiring a Professional, by Marie Swift and Christy Barron, both of Impact Communications.
Inside Information – May 2007
Opportunities Lost
Bob Veres asked his 2000 subscribers if they'd had any experience working with a PR professional. He received 3 ringing endorsements for Marie Swift and Impact Communications - and no others! Find out what Veres and Swift had to say.
Solutions magazine – May 2007
The Power of a Well Crafted Tagline
Developing a tag line that accurately depicts your company or services can be tricky business. In her article "The Power of a Well Crafted Tagline," Nancy Opiela provided words of wisdom from Impact's Marie Swift.
Research magazine – April/May 2007
Incorporating the Value-Add
Beyond Investment Advice
In this two-part series, Marie Swift speaks with several financial advisors who are finding their client relationships extending beyond traditional investment management and planning into all aspects of their clients’ lives. Instances where advisors have profitably reacted to various concerns are covered and the discussion deepens by examining ways that advisors are making these “above-and-beyond” services part of their core business model.
NAPFA Advisor magazine – April 2007
So You Wanna Write a Book?
Writing a book can be a satisfying venture and help you achieve "famous planner" status with clients, media and peers. In the cover story article "So You Wanna Write a Book?" Marie Swift tells you what to consider before putting pen to paper. – April 2007
How 3 Advisors Stoked Local PR Buzz to Win New Prospects
In their article "How 3 Advisors Stoked Local PR Buzz to Win New Prospects" Impact's founder, Marie Swift, and Senior Strategist, Leslie Swid, share ways to generate visibility through community involvement.
Financial Planning magazine – March 2007
Heart of the Matter
Sheryl Garrett, Marie Swift, Carol Anderson and Susan Galvan, founders of a think-tank dubbed the Lifework$ Collective, co-authored a special article called "The Client-Centered Advisor."
Research magazine – March 2007
Retirement Conversations
Why are so many people in denial and uncertain about their futures? Best selling author Lee Eisenberg claims that most people suffer from "IDD" or Inspiration Deficit Disorder, a condition characterized by inertia and fear. In this article, writer Marie Swift goes on to detail how advisors are embracing various methods for helping their clients articulate their goals and focus on realizing their most cherished life dreams. She talks about George Kinder and his famous "The Three Questions" and shares the questions used by long-time financial advisors Rick Junk and Rick Kent to generate better conversations with clients.
Research magazine – February 2007
Advisor Directed Trusts
Patricia Hinds, a Minnesota-based advisor through Securities America helps Marie Swift uncover the benefits of Advisor Directed Trusts. While traditional trust company services have the client appoint a corporate trustee taking away any direct role their financial advisor has in the investment management of the trust assets, with the Advisor Directed Trust, clients can appoint their already trusted advisor as the investment fiduciary for their trust. – February 2007
Looking Good in Print – Part Two
While today's technology gives you lots of ways to do your own design and output right in the comfort of your own office, steer clear of the deadly "amateur mistakes" some unwitting firms make if you want to build and maintain strong public perceptions. Read part two of "Looking Good in Print": 7 Essential Steps to good Layout and Document Design.
Research magazine – January 2007
‘Late Stage’ College Planning
Marie Swift interviews Deborah Fox, a long-time financial advisor and founder of Fox College Funding in San Diego to reveal the many ways for affluent families with insignificant savings to whittle down costs and free up resources for college-bound kids.
Making It to Retirement
Marie Swift interviews award-winning journalist Gail MarksJarvis who spent a decade as a personnel finance columnist hearing from thousands of distressed readers about their investing errors. In her recent book, Ms. MarksJarvis helps middle class investors avoid making some of these common mistakes.
Inside Information – December 2007
Get With The Program
Bob Veres gives Marie Swift's article in Financial Planning magazine a "High Relevancy" rating in his article reviews, provided as a service to subscribers of his Inside Information newsletter. In "Get With the Program," Marie Swift recaps one of her speeches at FPA Seattle 2007 and provides some tips on how to start, or enhance, your marketing program quickly and efficiently.
Morningstar Advisor – December 2007
Technology 2007: The Year in Review
Technology Editor Joel Bruckenstein gives Marie Swift and Impact Communications a nod in his article recapping the best of 2007. You can also read Joel's other comments and recommendations in his look at the year in review.
Morningstar Advisor – November 2007
Use Web 2.0 to Build Trust with Clients
Learn how to use the World Wide Web as a tool to build visibility and trust with clients in this eye-opening article by Marie Swift.
Research magazine – November 2007
A New Consultative Model
“A New Consultative Model” is uncovered as Marie Swift explores a methodology pioneered by Edward A. Jacobson, Ph.D. Appreciative Financial Planning shifts clients’ and planners’ attention away from limitations, problems and “fixes,” toward a focus on the clients’ proven capacities.
Research magazine – October 2007
Anatomy of a Niche
David E. Zumbusch, CFP®, discusses with Marie Swift how he found his niche by uncovering shared interests and beliefs with his clients. The result has been the development of the business of his dreams, Sportsmen Dream Financial, a specialized extension of Zumbusch’s thriving practice in Buffalo, Minnesota.
Research magazine – September 2007
Retirement Well Being
What brings health, prosperity and happiness into retirement? Marie Swift looks into the retirement well-being model created by John Nelson, co-author with Richard Bolles of What Color Is Your Parachute? For Retirement.
Research magazine – August 2007
A Winning Team
There are many ways to define a team. Marie Swift explores the benefits to clients and professionals alike in having core teams with satellite support from CPAs and attorneys. Devery “Rusty” Cagle, founder and president ASE Wealth Advisors in Greenville, S.C. adds his views on how to build a healthy team and keep it operating.
Asset Magazine – July 2007
Marketing U.S. Style
Marie Swift was featured in this Australian publication for financial advisors. In “Marketing US Style” she shared tips for advisors. Three of her clients who were also quoted were advisors Don Patrick, Bill Spalding and Dan Danford.
Financial Planning magazine – July 2007
Beyond Mars and Venus
Marie Swift explores the changing demographics in the market served by financial advisors. According to Swift, “Sixty percent of high-net-worth women have earned their own fortunes; 75% of women executives in the Fortune 500 out earn their husbands.” So advisors who aren’t mindful of how they are marketing to a huge, and growing, target market are missing the boat. The article is chock full of important tips and statistics.
Planning a meeting? Invite Marie Swift to present “Beyond Mars and Venus: What You Must Know about Marketing to Women” to your group!
Research magazine – July 2007
Is the Pension Plan Dead?
“Is the Pension Plan Dead?” As large defined-benefit plans die out, advisors are finding a viable niche selling small plans. Marie Swift explores some of these plans, and their advantages with Alex Donnell, president of Colorado Comprehensive Wealth Management in Colorado Springs, Colo.
Research magazine – June 2007
Income in Respect of a Decedent
Poor advance planning and an unexpected death can cause big tax trouble for heirs. Marie Swift shines a light on the IRD tax, Income in Respect of a Decedent, with help from an expert on the subject, James W. Coleman Sr., president of Coleman Financial Advisory Group in Waterbury, Conn.
Financial Planning magazine – June 2007
Great Communicators
Marie Swift shares her thoughts on marketing communications. She says, “Marketing is everything you do to attract and retain business. . . . But, above all, successful marketing depends on good communication.”
Inside Information – June 2007
Bob Veres gives Marie Swift's article called “Great Communicators” a high relevance rating. Here is his review:
"The point here is that great communication is great marketing; that communication skills are a key differentiator in all aspects of growing and managing your business. Swift says that the most powerful shift you can make is to focus on other people rather than on yourself, learning to be a good listener and making a consistent connection".
To achieve greater clarity of thought and ease of expression, some advisors are writing every day. Doing the research and preparing the information makes it easier to communicate the subject verbally--and you'll have something to hand the client after you're finished talking".
Swift cites the example of an advisor who makes it a practice to engage in conversation anybody he runs into: grocery clerks, waiters, tellers, janitors, receptionists, fellow dog walkers in the park. It builds confidence, listening skills, quick thinking, humor and empathy--and it can brighten someone's day in the process". – June 2006
Looking Good in Print – Part One
So you have a great logo and stunning business cards. Your brand is developed so now you can relax and not worry about that again until you run out of cards or need to update the information on your letterhead, right? Wrong! In part one of “Looking Good in Print”: Managing Your Brand, Marie Swift says that marketing savvy advisors oversee their visual brand on a daily basis. Find out how and why.
Morningstar Advisor – May 2007
Looking Good in Print – Part Three
Two award-winning marketers give tips on when to abandon the do-it-yourself approach and put your design project into the hands of a professional in part three of “Looking Good in Print”: Questions to Answer Before Hiring a Professional, by Marie Swift and Christy Barron, both of Impact Communications.
Inside Information – May 2007
Opportunities Lost
Bob Veres asked his 2000 subscribers if they'd had any experience working with a PR professional. He received 3 ringing endorsements for Marie Swift and Impact Communications - and no others! Find out what Veres and Swift had to say.
Solutions magazine – May 2007
The Power of a Well Crafted Tagline
Developing a tag line that accurately depicts your company or services can be tricky business. In her article "The Power of a Well Crafted Tagline," Nancy Opiela provided words of wisdom from Impact's Marie Swift.
Research magazine – April/May 2007
Incorporating the Value-Add
Beyond Investment Advice
In this two-part series, Marie Swift speaks with several financial advisors who are finding their client relationships extending beyond traditional investment management and planning into all aspects of their clients’ lives. Instances where advisors have profitably reacted to various concerns are covered and the discussion deepens by examining ways that advisors are making these “above-and-beyond” services part of their core business model.
NAPFA Advisor magazine – April 2007
So You Wanna Write a Book?
Writing a book can be a satisfying venture and help you achieve "famous planner" status with clients, media and peers. In the cover story article "So You Wanna Write a Book?" Marie Swift tells you what to consider before putting pen to paper. – April 2007
How 3 Advisors Stoked Local PR Buzz to Win New Prospects
In their article "How 3 Advisors Stoked Local PR Buzz to Win New Prospects" Impact's founder, Marie Swift, and Senior Strategist, Leslie Swid, share ways to generate visibility through community involvement.
Financial Planning magazine – March 2007
Heart of the Matter
Sheryl Garrett, Marie Swift, Carol Anderson and Susan Galvan, founders of a think-tank dubbed the Lifework$ Collective, co-authored a special article called "The Client-Centered Advisor."
Research magazine – March 2007
Retirement Conversations
Why are so many people in denial and uncertain about their futures? Best selling author Lee Eisenberg claims that most people suffer from "IDD" or Inspiration Deficit Disorder, a condition characterized by inertia and fear. In this article, writer Marie Swift goes on to detail how advisors are embracing various methods for helping their clients articulate their goals and focus on realizing their most cherished life dreams. She talks about George Kinder and his famous "The Three Questions" and shares the questions used by long-time financial advisors Rick Junk and Rick Kent to generate better conversations with clients.
Research magazine – February 2007
Advisor Directed Trusts
Patricia Hinds, a Minnesota-based advisor through Securities America helps Marie Swift uncover the benefits of Advisor Directed Trusts. While traditional trust company services have the client appoint a corporate trustee taking away any direct role their financial advisor has in the investment management of the trust assets, with the Advisor Directed Trust, clients can appoint their already trusted advisor as the investment fiduciary for their trust. – February 2007
Looking Good in Print – Part Two
While today's technology gives you lots of ways to do your own design and output right in the comfort of your own office, steer clear of the deadly "amateur mistakes" some unwitting firms make if you want to build and maintain strong public perceptions. Read part two of "Looking Good in Print": 7 Essential Steps to good Layout and Document Design.
Research magazine – January 2007
‘Late Stage’ College Planning
Marie Swift interviews Deborah Fox, a long-time financial advisor and founder of Fox College Funding in San Diego to reveal the many ways for affluent families with insignificant savings to whittle down costs and free up resources for college-bound kids.